Joining us soon?
We know it can be stressful leaving your baby for the first time. First City Preschool is our environment for Babies through Preschoolers where kids learn to Know Jesus, Experience Family, Discover Hope, and Live Sent! First City Preschool provides them with a safe and loving environment where our littlest friends come to learn about how God made them, loves them, and wants to be their friend forever. Each space is intentionally created so that these friends are safe, feel loved, and have fun so their parents can be comfortable attending a worry-free worship experience knowing their child is being cared for at the highest level.
Sundays at 9:30 & 11AM
Sundays at 11AM
First Visit
We love helping even our youngest friends learn to Know Jesus, Discover Hope, Experience Family, and Live Sent.
Our team will be waiting for you at the first-time check-in station where you can tell us a little about your family. To prepare ahead of time and expedite your check-in process, you can fill out the New Family Pre-Registration Form. Once you are all checked in, a member of our team will escort you to your child’s class(es) and once they are comfortable and settled, they will walk you up to our worship venues. Make plans now to join us!
ALPHARETTA- Sundays at 9:30 & 11AM
HICKORY FLAT- Sundays at 11AM
Additionally, the Alpharetta location we meets once a month on BIG WEDNESDAYS during the school year from 6-7PM.
What To Expect
Your baby will experience personal care from our well-staffed team. We keep our nursery rooms ready for your little ones with age-appropriate toys that are thoroughly cleaned between services.
We know babies have specific needs and schedules, so when you bring your child to the classroom, we have an easy-to-use form that you can fill out to let our team know the feeding, sleeping, and changing needs your child has.
Once your baby is old enough to sit up and participate, they will be included in ‘table time’ where a simple bible truth is taught each month. Copies of our “Table Time” monthly parent page are available in your child’s classroom for you to take home and continue to teach these important truths all month long.
Our rooms are designed with your child in mind. From age-appropriate toys and special service elements just for them, our team is ready to care for and have fun with your little one during service.
In preschool, children are invited to participate in our large-group worship experience. We help them interact with their friends, form relationships with their teachers, and grow their faith in God. Each week these preschoolers will engage with bible stories through fun activities, participate in their own small groups, and sing worship songs that teach them Biblical truths. Take Home cards are available in your child’s classroom each month to help with at-home discussions about what they learned, and we invite you to enjoy our Preschool Worship Playlist in order to help your child hide God’s word deep in their heart all throughout the week.